Family and Finance: Discussing Money with Your Aging Parents

Money discussions with aging parents can help you ensure their wishes are met as they age and require assistance.

As we age, it’s common for a role reversal of sorts to happen with our parents. If we’re lucky enough to still have them in our lives, we may find that we are assisting them more and more, including with financial matters and money management. It can be challenging to navigate money discussions with aging […]

Signs You May Be the Victim of a Financial Bully (And What to Do Next)

Anyone can become the victim of a financial bully, regardless of gender, level of education, or financial standing.

This article covers the sensitive topic of financial bullying and financial abuse. Though it can be difficult to talk about, especially if you are in the midst of it, we believe it’s important to shed greater light on the issue and provide guidance for anyone working to escape a financial bully in their own lives. […]

Raising a Financially Savvy Generation: Teaching Kids About Money

Most schools don’t require courses teaching kids about money, but parents can follow these guidelines to get started.

Without even realizing it, parents, you’re teaching your children about money every day. After all, kids learn from our examples and often mimic our behaviors. So, when it comes to financial literacy, we have a significant responsibility in imparting our wisdom and experience to the next generation, especially since most schools don’t require courses teaching […]

Financial Harmony 2.0: Strategies for Success in Your Second Marriage

These second marriage financial tips will help you and your new spouse merge your financial assets and goals for the future.

Embarking on a second marriage is a beautiful journey that often brings a fresh perspective, renewed hope, and the promise of shared happiness. However, with a second marriage comes a set of unique financial considerations that, when addressed proactively and openly, can lead to a harmonious and financially stable union. Let’s explore second marriage financial […]

Balancing the Books of Love: Overcoming Financial Incompatibility in Marriage

Facing financial incompatibility in your marriage is a challenge, but these tips can help you overcome it.

Marriage can be a beautiful union of hearts and lives, but it also involves the merging of financial worlds. For some couples, this comes easy. However, financial compatibility isn’t always guaranteed, and differences in financial habits, priorities, and attitudes can arise. Overcoming these differences is crucial for a harmonious and successful marriage, especially because money […]

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'Financial Trendsetters,' a must-read book for Financial Services and Women & Business Insights

‘Financial Trendsetters’ features contributions from Clarity Financial Solutions’ own Amanda Stilwell. Explore essential insights and strategies for financial empowerment in the top-ranked book. Available on Amazon!


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