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December marks the end of the calendar year, of course, but it’s also a time when many people are taking stock of the past 12 months and preparing for a fruitful year ahead. That’s why this month presents an excellent opportunity to evaluate your financial standing, tie up loose ends,
When you think about your financial well-being, do you think strictly about numbers on a balance sheet? In fact, it’s so much more than that. Financial well-being is a holistic concept that encompasses peace of mind, contentment, and a positive outlook towards life, and cultivating gratitude is a
March is Women’s History Month, and it’s a wonderful opportunity to celebrate and honor women’s contributions to the world. Of course, it also brings to mind how many women still face challenges with gender equality every day. In the world of personal finance, the vast majority of professionals are still
This article covers the sensitive topic of financial bullying and financial abuse. Though it can be difficult to talk about, especially if you are in the midst of it, we believe it’s important to shed greater light on the issue and provide guidance for anyone working to escape
April is Financial Literacy Month and it’s a great time to focus on how financial literacy forms the foundation of a secure and prosperous future. Just as investments grow with careful planning and nurturing, so does our financial acumen when we focus on learning new concepts and skills. So, during
Without even realizing it, parents, you’re teaching your children about money every day. After all, kids learn from our examples and often mimic our behaviors. So, when it comes to financial literacy, we have a significant responsibility in imparting our wisdom and experience to the next generation, especially