Financial Harmony 2.0: Strategies for Success in Your Second Marriage

These second marriage financial tips will help you and your new spouse merge your financial assets and goals for the future.

Embarking on a second marriage is a beautiful journey that often brings a fresh perspective, renewed hope, and the promise of shared happiness. However, with a second marriage comes a set of unique financial considerations that, when addressed proactively and openly, can lead to a harmonious and financially stable union. Let’s explore second marriage financial […]

Supercharge Your Retirement Plan: How to Optimize the Power of Your Health Savings Account

Your health savings account has advantages in the present, but did you know it can support your future, too?

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a powerful financial tool that not only helps you manage current healthcare expenses but also offers an excellent opportunity to enhance your retirement savings. When used strategically, an HSA can provide tax advantages, a potential for growth, and a way to cover healthcare costs during retirement. Let’s delve into […]

Preparing for Retirement: Cultivating the Right Mindset for a Smooth Transition

Having the right retirement mindset means you are better able to navigate the transition to this new phase of life.

Many retirees go into retirement with financial security and a desire to leave the workforce, and yet they find themselves struggling with this new phase of life from a mental or emotional perspective. This happens because retirement marks a significant life transition—one that, with careful planning and the right retirement mindset, can be a fulfilling […]

Mid-Year Financial Check-In: Are You Safeguarding Your Online Financial Accounts?

Their convenience is unmatched but be sure you are always safeguarding your online financial accounts and protecting your information.

In a world that is increasingly reliant on digital platforms for financial transactions and account management, safeguarding your online financial accounts is more critical than ever. As we reach the mid-year mark, it’s an opportune time to pause and ensure that your digital financial assets are adequately protected against potential cyber threats and security breaches. […]

Ready to Launch: Crafting a Solid Financial Foundation After College Graduation

Recent graduates can use these college graduate financial tips to enter the working world with confidence.

Graduating from college marks a significant milestone – and an exciting life transition, too. A diploma symbolizes the evolution from academia to the professional world, and many college graduates are most excited about finding a job in their chosen field and earning consistent paychecks. As a young person embarks on this new chapter of life, […]

Mastering College Savings: 529 Plans, Coverdell ESAs, and Beyond

Plan ahead for your child’s college savings using common strategies including tax-advantaged accounts,

It’s high school graduation season, and the pursuit of higher education becomes a focal point for many. For families with aspirations of sending their children or grandchildren to college, prudent financial planning is crucial. Among the arsenal of savings tools available, 529 Plans and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) stand out as powerful instruments to […]

Dusting Off Your Investments: A Springtime Portfolio Review

Ready for a financial spring cleaning? Don’t miss out on the potential for growth by giving yourself a portfolio review.

As the frost of winter gives way to the bloom of spring, it’s not just your home that could use some freshening up. Much like cleaning out your attic or organizing your closet, taking the time to assess and make adjustments to your investment portfolio can yield significant benefits. If your investments are in need […]

Raising a Financially Savvy Generation: Teaching Kids About Money

Most schools don’t require courses teaching kids about money, but parents can follow these guidelines to get started.

Without even realizing it, parents, you’re teaching your children about money every day. After all, kids learn from our examples and often mimic our behaviors. So, when it comes to financial literacy, we have a significant responsibility in imparting our wisdom and experience to the next generation, especially since most schools don’t require courses teaching […]

Investing in Knowledge: Celebrating Financial Literacy Month

April is Financial Literacy Month and it’s the perfect opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding to empower your financial future.

April is Financial Literacy Month and it’s a great time to focus on how financial literacy forms the foundation of a secure and prosperous future. Just as investments grow with careful planning and nurturing, so does our financial acumen when we focus on learning new concepts and skills. So, during this month, we’re dedicating time […]

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'Financial Trendsetters,' a must-read book for Financial Services and Women & Business Insights

‘Financial Trendsetters’ features contributions from Clarity Financial Solutions’ own Amanda Stilwell. Explore essential insights and strategies for financial empowerment in the top-ranked book. Available on Amazon!


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